Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Up and About

This is a blogspot dedicated to mainly random thoughts and opinion, a hodge podge of useless thoughts that someone, including myself, may find interesting. What interests me are a variety of things and mainly how everyone is busy posting, whereas I feel rather dull in mind, am trying to make hay of what they are posting. So in that sense this blog rivals a kind of journaling, but without reference to anything I do, but rather on how I feel about things. In other words a blogspot of my base opinions. I thought I'd start with a few of my favorite things.

These are a few of my favorite things

Those who have seen the movie 1776 know that Benjamin Franklin favored making the turkey the nation's national fowl. What struck me was Franklin's commitment to stand out from the crowd and stick to his belief that the turkey was a noble, intelligent bird deserving of honor. Some people have favorite heroes, like in the Sienfield episode where Jerry liked Magellan and George preferred DeSoto. My favorite President isn't Andrew Jackson or Lincoln, Kennedy or Reagan. Some people like Washington, others Lincoln, I prefer Taft. The more I learn about him the more likable I find this highly neglected President. He followed a tradition of what I call burly Presidents. He believed the law should be used to help the little guy, and what an imposing figure he was to send the message. I like Taft and for that matter I like Benjamin Franklin as well, mainly because of his independant spirit and ability to pick up chicks on a dime. Oh yes, he could invent a thing or two and still be on time to help formulate the Constitution. These heroes seem real and accesible to me, not so etched in stone.
I like films too. I think they speak a lot and can communicate ideas like nothing else. But it seems hard these days to find a good one. I guess there's too much expectation.

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